Thursday, August 28, 2008

Unable to browse CentralAdminSite. It keeps ask the user name & password.

DESCRIPTION: Unable to browse Central Admin Site. Every time It asks the user name & password while we were putting the right credentials for central admin site.
SYMPTOMS: Every time Central Admin Site asks the user name & password while we are putting the correct credentials.
ERROR MESSAGE: We get the pop-up screen (User Logon Box) for entering the user name and password.
RESOLUTION: Run the command psconfig -cmd adminvs -provision -port 45576 -windowsauthprovider -onlyusentlm
Fixed the issue.

Unable to browse Central Admin Site after applying SP1

DESCRIPTION: Unable to browse the Central Admin Site after applying the Service Pack1 on MOSS 2007.
SYMPTOMS: Unable to run the PSConfig Wizard it fails at first step. Manually Run the PSConfig Wizard using psconfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait command also it fails at first step.
ERROR MESSAGE: [SPManager] [ERROR] [8/19/2008 10:19:07 AM]: The specified SPConfigurationDatabase Name=MOSS_Config Parent=SPDatabaseServiceInstance has been upgraded to a newer version of SharePoint.
Please upgrade this SharePoint application server before attempting to access this object.
[SPManager] [ERROR] [8/19/2008 10:19:07 AM]: at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPSequence.get_CanUpgrade()at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPDatabaseWssSequence.InternalCanUpgrade(String sqlstrLegacyBuildVersion)at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPConfigurationDatabaseSequence.get_CanUpgrade()at Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade.SPManager.CanUpgrade(Object o)

We found out, In SharePoint Server after applying the SP1. Database was updated but the binary files were not updated on the Application Server. So we decided to re-install the SharePoint server.
So we decided to disconnect the serevr farm through PSConfig Wizard then uninstalled the SharePoint and re-installed the SharePoint then installed the WSS 3.0 SP1 and MOSS 2007 SP1.
Now go to SQL Server open the SQL Managmet Studio and elected the SharePoint_AdminContent_GUID database which is containing the version in the dbo.version table. Because this is the SharePoint _Admin_Content database before to applying the SP1 and we can add it to the SharePoint Site.
Then run the command 'Stsadm –o addcontentdb –url
http://SharePoint:7800 –databasename SharePoint_AdminContent_GUID'
Then run the Product and technologies configuration wizard. It will be done successfully.
6. Issue resolved

Unable to delete Shared Services in Sharepoint

DESCRIPTION: Unable to Delete Shared Services when it’s database is deleted from SQL server.
SYMPTOMS: Unable to delete Shared Services. There are still some objects which are dependent on configuration database and on project serve, due to which users are unable to delete SSP. Manually deleting of SSP using stsadm -o deletessp -title “ssp_name” command also shows same error.
ERROR MESSAGE: “An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, “SharedResourceProvider Name=SSP Parent=SPFarm Name=MOSS”, could not be deleted because other objects depend on it. Update all of these dependants to point to null or different objects and retry this operation. The dependant objects are as follows: ProjectPSISharedApplicationTimerJob Name=Project Server Synchronizing Job for ‘SSP’ Parent=ProjectApplicationService Name=ProjectApplicationService”
RESOLUTION: ° Identify the GUID for the problem SSP. ° Use STSADM -o deleteconfigurationobject -id “id retrieved from object table” to remove these items from the configuration database.
Use the following procedure to identify the Shared Services GUID:
Login to SQL server. ° Open SQL Management Studio and expend Databases. ° Expand Configuration Database & Tables. ° Opened table for dbo.object. ° Executed following query in query analyzer: SELECT * FROM [MOSS_CFG_CA_01].[dbo].[Objects]where name like ‘Name of the Shared Services’. ° Copy the ID of object referenced in objects table of configuration database. ° Open command prompt and changed directory to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN> and executed following command to delete the Shared Services using the ID which was copied: Stsadm -o deleteconfigurationobject -id “id retrieved from object table”
Shared Services should be deleted from the Cenral Administration.